Tuesday, April 9 - 9:00 AM - 5.30 PM

9:00 am Breakfast & Networking

Workshop A
10:30 AM – 1:30 PM

10:35 am Exploring the FDA’s Patient-Focused Drug Development Guidance Series to Ensure More Consistent & Systematic Measuring of Patient Engagement


This workshop will discuss:

  • What the new FDA guidance document is, why it is needed and how it will be implemented
  • Exploring how to navigate initial discussions with the FDA to ensure alignment on data collection methods that meet their expectations and criteria for future evaluations
  • Illuminating the challenges of trying to apply this guidance tactically
  • Highlighting the expected knock-on consequences for other global markets

1:30 pm Lunch & Networking

Workshop B
2:30 PM – 5:30 PM

2:35 pm Patient Data Metric Mapping for Standardized Measurements of Patient Engagement

  • Beyza Klein Global Patient Engagement Director, Insights & Measurements, Novartis AG
  • Michele Barber Associate Director, Patient Engagement, Former Mural Oncology
  • Tiara Hayes Senior Manager, Patient and Site Engagement, Otsuka


Engage in this dynamic workshop session, where you and your peers can exchange insights on the metrics driving patient engagement in your work. Together, let’s establish a shared baseline of metrics that you can seamlessly integrate into your daily operations.

This workshop will gather experts to allow for:

  • Sharing insights into the experts preferred patient engagement metrics, considerations for crafting new metrics, and key indicators of success in their engagement strategies
  • Experimenting with new ideas with your peers
  • Discussing the pros and cons of existing metrics
  • Collectively working towards a standardized template for effective patient engagement in your practice

5:30 pm End of Pre-Conference Workshop Day